My afternoon walk was plagued by rain, only light, but enough to stop the Butterflies performing, I only disturbed a few Meadow Browns and Small Skippers as I walked round the Tree Nursery, where the only birds recorded were WHITETHROAT, GREEN WOODPECKER and a ''hu-eet'' from a CHIFFCHAFF. The KESTREL was up hunting briefly, and SWIFTS and SWALLOWS were zipping around the sky, both HERRING and LESSER BLACKBACKED GULLS were seen going over, and a GREY HERON slowly flapped its way over to the Lake area, which I didn't visit today.
I walked around the paddocks and sheep pasture of Migrant Alley, ever hopeful of an early passage migrant, it is still very early for that on my patch, but not totally out of the question, I do find the odd July migrant in some years :-)
LINNETS, STARLINGS, WOOD PIGEONS, ROOKS, JACKDAWS and PIED WAGTAILS were the best I could come up with, with a flyover TURTLE DOVE, the rain got a bit heavier around 4 o'clock, so I called it a day - better luck tomorrow :-)
I took a couple of photo's from the garden before going out, realising that the light was fading fast, just something to brighten the blog page really.

You're so right, Warren, about the change in the weather. yesterday I was in short sleeves looking for adders; today I stayed at my desk watching the wind and rain lash against the window. Here's hoping the sun shows again for you soon and the butterflies take to the air again.
Well it is still HOT here! and humid.... i woudn't mind trading...
thanks for the great shots!
You can tell that is raining, but, it didn't stop your fantastic birds.
Hi Warren.
Shame the weather didn't turn out as you would have liked still as you say tomorrow is another day.
Nice photo's of the Purple Hairstreaks from Monday.
Warren ,
Well , someone had to blink first and mention the 'A' word .
I've got the butterfly walk in under a fortnight .
Autumn...ooohhh eerrrr - - hopefully there'll be another day or of two of sunshine before the nights draw in.
If any other bloogers read thisand wonder where their comments have gone blogger seems to be playing silly b*ggers with me no matter which browser I nightmare
Your certainly having a crap run of weather down there Warren!
Up and down the weather Warren....s'always gonna be that way!
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