It was back to work this morning after my week off, and the new weeks weather continued as last weeks left off - absolutely appalling!
Heavy and prolonged rain that fell throughout the night had left the fields and paddocks at Migrant Ally covered in pools of water, nice if it was migration time, it may have attracted a wader species, but it was awful to walk to work through it :-(
The walk home from work was equally as wet, more rain fell, and it continued on and off throughout the afternoon, so I was confined to back garden watching. This didn't produce much, it never does in June, I was mainly on the lookout for newly fledged Greenfinch's that come to the feeders with their parents around this time of the year, but none arrived. Plenty of adult GREENFINCH though, as well as CHAFFINCH, and GOLDFINCH, which did bring their young in, as did the GREAT and BLUE TITS, but far fewer than would be expected, this weather has hit them hard here. Two DUNNOCKS were back and forth collecting food to take away for nestlings, a second brood I suspect, and a female HOUSE SPARROW made a surprise visit. The immature STARLINGS made noisy forages to the sunflower feeders, whilst COLLARD DOVE, ROBIN, and two BLACKBIRDS picked at the dropped seed below the feeders.
The male BLACKCAP came back in to the ivy, picking off bits of the berries, the same berries also attracted a WOODPIGEON. The GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER female brought in a juvenile bird, and the last species on the garden list today was a JACKDAW.
If this weather doesn't improve big time real soon, i'll have to postpone this blog for a few days!
Here's a few photo's taken of todays garden birds, the light was mostly pretty terrible for photography though.
Immature Starling |
Male Greenfinch |
Another male Greenfinch |
Female Chaffinch collecting food for fledgling |
Immature Goldfinch |
Collared Dove |
Female Blackbird |
Someone jinxed the summer by using the 'D' word and terms like hose-pipe ban
I've already postponed mine Warren. It just isn't worth it, still no end in sight apparently.
Dry here for a change, but still cold`ish & cloudy.
You did well with those garden photos Warren!
It hasn't stopped here all day :-( I just feel so sorry for the wildlife!
I am gloating a teeny bit about getting the moth ID in first yesterday though :-)
This feels like one of the worst springs I have ever known as far as the weather is concerned, just pathetic!
The weather is a challenge isnt it, nice pic of the Starling though Warren
I don't know about you Warren but i'm getting downright fed up of this weather now!
Still struggling to do anything here mate, nice to see some lovely photos of yours again and really like that Iris on the last post, great colour :-)
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