Oh dear! Back to the windy rainy conditions this afternoon :-) I was out for just over an hour before the sky went dark, sending me scurrying home to avoid a soaking, I got home and had to turn the lights on it was so dark, and on this the day, with the longest daylight hours in it, oh well, the evenings start to draw in from now on!
I did get to see some birds during the hours visit, whilst in the Tree Nursery, both LESSER and COMMON WHITETHROATS were seen, as well as a GREEN WOODPECKER, and a few LINNETS, the KESTREL was up hunting as ever, as was the SPARROWHAWK. I also paid a short visit to the Greenhouse Grounds, where a BLACKCAP sang, along with a CHAFINCH and a pair of BULLFINCH narrowly avoided my camera. A family of WRENS were nearby, but to far in a conifer for any photo's.
The day didn't end without some success though, as I got back early this afternoon I finished up my evening chores early and was able to go back out around 17:30 to take adavantage of a suny spell that passed over :-)
I headed back to the Tree Nursery, and sat and waited for the Lesser Whitethroat to come out of hiding, which it eventually did, but only very briefly, allowing me 3 shots of it. I also had a couple more species sit on the bare branches of a nearby dead tree, so i took their photo's too, see below. The weather again closed in shortly after, but it was a good 45 minute visit, just to photograph the Lesser Whitethroat.
Lesser Whitethroat |
Lesser Whitethroat |
Lesser Whitethroat |
Common Whitethroat |
Common Whitethroat |
Common Whitethroat |
Linnet |
Lights on here at 6pm too Warren - Waiting for the storm to break and the rain top lash and the wind to howl: Not right for the summer solstice!
'Aint it rubbish Davo, never lived through a summer like this one :-(
Lesser Whitethroat photos! Worth any amount of lousy weather I reckon :)
The weather has to be the topic and no sign of any letup it seems....ne'r mind, keep up the good work Warren.
Very pleasing Whitethroat pics Warren.
Lovely pics Warren, all of them! Throwing it down and black as your hat here since 7ish and not much better all day, what a pathetic year :-(
Nice Lesser Whitethroat shots, not the easiest to get on the camera.
Good to see those Lesser Whitethroat shots Warren a just reward for the time spent.
Warren ,
Looks like grim weather for the next few days , great .
Like those LW shots , very nice .
You've done better than I have with the Lesser Throat Warren...I've never managed a decent shot of those pesky sulkers!
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