Today, however, the weather was more co-operative, staying dry for the 4 hour full patch walk, which was a very mediocre affair, gone were all the passage birds, and even the likes of Songthrush, Blackcap, and Mallard were not recorded today.
Highlights of the morning were finding a TURTLE DOVE in the College Grounds, and watching hundreds of GREYLAG and CANADA GEESE go over. A HOBBY was also a nice addition to the daylist, which at 43 was was 12 species down on my last full patch visit on Thursday morning, but HOUSE MARTIN, SKYLARK, and YELLOWHAMMER were on todays list, but not on Thursday's!
Of the summer birds left on my patch, as well as the Turtle Dove and House Martin, there were quite a few CHIFFCHAFFS, maybe as many as 15, 2 WHITETHROATS and the SWALLLOWS, but that was it!

The Greylags, all flying, are my number 1.
Loads of Greylags. A nice autumnal sound as the Geese fly over calling. Nice to see the butterflies still on the wing.
A skyfull of Greylags...not a bird that occurs often on my patch Warren.
Yes, we have seen the Canada geese getting ready to fly south. It seems autumn is literally in the air ...
It was good to get out after Friday`s shocking weather, Warren.
Great pics again, especially the Chiffy & Green-veined White.
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