As yesterday, all the bird action was at Migrant Alley, and the tree nursery. It was in the tree nursery that I came across a patch of young trees with some bramble growing through it, it was only the size of a tennis court, but it was full of birds - BLACKBIRD, SONGTHRUSH, DUNNOCK, at least 4 COMMON WHITETHROAT, and best of all a newcomer for the months list a REED WARBLER. I managed a few pics of it, but they didn't turn out too good! This species is a really good record for my patch.
I checked the Barn Owl roost - no one home, and went on to migrant alley. As I was walking up the side of the maize crop, I felt in need of a pee! So I ventured a little way into the crop, I tucked my Bins and camera into my fleece and zipped it up so the wet leaves wouldn't get to them. As I stood there, a movement caught my eye - a SEDGE WARBLER, only a few feet away, and then it came even closer, I could almost of reached out and touched it! Alas by the time I'd finished my business, and fought to get my camera out, the bird had flown, blast! What a missed opportunity. Oh well, still a good migrant to have on my patch, I don't record them every year.
After such a fortuitous meeting, I carried on and scanned the paddocks in a positive mood, and found 2 more YELLOW WAGTAILS, no sign of yesterdays Wheatear though.
After a quick lunch, I was back out at migrant alley. A CORMORANT and a GREY HERON flew over, and in the scrub at the north end of the maize I found a LESSER WHITETHROAT. On returning down the other side of the maize, I found another, or the same WHINCHAT that was there yesterday, I got a few pics and left it in peace. A KESTREL hovered over the grass field, next to the maize, the grass was now getting it's 3rd cut of the year! As I took pics of the Kestrel, another Yellow Wagtail flew over and alighted next to the greenhouse complex.
It had been another excellent day on my patch, and I'd spent 7hrs out in the fields, but one more treat was instore - the first COMMON BUZZARD since June, was seen soaring nigh over Migrant alley just as I was heading home, making the day list up to 52 species, a brilliant total.

Brilliant stuff! I've just been looking back in my note books and my first date for whinchat here at Knockholt last year was 24th Aug, so they should turn up soon, providing they stick to tradition!
Great photos
Thanks Josh,
Go get the Whinchats!
Warren ,
Never have been a great fan of Sweet Corn , your blog hasn't changed my mind .
Now remind me , isn't Sedge Warbler the one with a slash over the eye ?
Don't worry greenie,
Those sweetcorn are for cattle feed.
As for the sedge warbler it does indeed have a slash over the eye - just a wee one!
Speaking of sedge warblers, here (Click) is an old and terrible photo of mine. I was never sure what it was at the time but I thinks it's a sedge warbler. Would you agree?
At least I'll know how to attract one's attention next time :-)
your pic. is indeed a sedge warbler.
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