A four hour visit from 06:30 in windy and overcast conditions, proved a little disapointing. Just 41 species were recorded, well down on recent visits. The most abundant bird was the ROOK, with 110 feeding on the horse paddocks at migrant alley, closely followed by Jackdaw, of which 85 were seen, feeding with them. I can't believe that for the first time in over 6 years of walking my patch, I didn't record a Chaffinch! Although there were two on the feeders when I got home, so thats really 42 for the day.
The whole walk was actually very quiet birdwise, and 17 of the species seen had a count of 5 or less. There were highlights to the day, 2 KINGFISHERS were seen, 1 on the stream behind the college, and 1 in the college grounds, on one of the small ponds. Also a first my Southern Hawker (I think). It was again by one of the ponds at the college.
Flyovers included a count of 61 HERRING GULLS and 2 LESSER BLACK BACK GULLS, 45 GREY LAG and 4 CANADA GEESE.

A female Southern Hawker. Thanks for the sex greenie.....errr, I mean thanks for ID of gender!!

Despite the overcast and windy conditions, Gatekeeper butterflies were still numerous

Last of all my best ever pic. of a KINGFISHER. It's the best because it's the first and only one Ive got!!!!!!!
Warren ,
Someone here -
Correct species , incorrect sex .
Male Southern Hawker would have very noticable blue markings on segments 8,9, and 10 . Also the anal appendage , what looks like two feathers on the end of the abdomen has nothing between , whereas a male would have a pointed bit like a 'v' between them .
Nice one with the Kingfishers .
Kingfishers are such great birds to see and even better when you can get a shot of them, nice one.
Warren - your comment about Greenie made me laugh out loud! - well done with the Kingfisher as well....not a bird i have a decent snap of either...
Warren: Great photos and the one of the Dragonfly is really special.
42 species is not bad. I just drove across the state and back and recorded 41 species. Mind you that was just casual birding. Didn't have a lot of time to just look for birds.
Up in the north of Scotland Chaffinch was the 2nd most common bird in our garden after House Sparrow,
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