As is normal in Autumn, the farmland, especially Migrant Alley takes more of my time, as it is here I see passage migrants. Despite the presence of hundreds of doggy people, I managed to find the first WHINCHAT of the month, perched atop the Maize crop at migrant alley, I do like these little birds, and always look forward to them passing through.. Looking back at last Augusts records, I saw that the first Whinchat was on the 17th, with two the following day, in all there were 6 Aug. days when a whinchat was recorded. Another migrant the SAND MARTIN was also present, 3 were on the wires at the college stables just off migrant alley, along with 10 or so SWALLOWS. This year has been very good for Sand martin on my patch. In previous years I have only recorded 1 or 2 at most, even then, not in every year.
below is one of the Sand Martins on the wires at the college stables.

Well done with the Whinchat, I suppose I should be expecting mine soon! Do come to Bough beech, It's great!
Was looking for whinchat myself do much better for migrants where you are than I do...
Lovely looking birds Whinchat, hope you can get some shots.
Welldone with the Whinchat Warren. I have never seen chats in Mote Park.
Warren: Too bad the Sand Martin didn't look your way that would of made a great photo.
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