The walk in was wet and miserable with nothing to report, just the SWALLOWS on the wires at the riding stables.
This afternoon I thought i'd walk round Migrant alley and the college grounds, the latter gave me two close encounters with a KINGFISHER, but not long enough for a photograph! Crossing the college sports pitch I found another SAND MARTIN feeding with the swallows, and half a dozen HOUSE MARTINS.
Having walked through Migrant alley to get home from work, and again to get to the college, I decided to give it another go. I sat and waited for 40 mins, just a CORMORANT going over was of any note, I kept scanning the Maize crop, and fence lines for the Whinchat, but nothing. I decided to move on, and as always happens, suddenly, a movement in the paddocks and a WHEATEAR had appeared. Where do they come from ? I had scanned, and looked and seen nothing, then there it was!! After a few pics, I left it in peace and walked up the side of the maize crop that abuts some large gardens. There, I found a dozen GOLDFINCH feeding on seedheads, and as i watched, a WILLOW WARBLER flew from the Maize and into a hawthorne bush, just giving me a short view of it's lovely lemon plumage.

GREAT PICS! You should make an inland Bird observatory!
Thanks Josh.
Hmmmm.....a bird observatory, only if! Then I could spend all day looking over the crops. Oh well dream on.
Perhaps one day! All you need is a shed, a kettle and lots of patience!!!
Warren has lots of patience. I'll find an old kettle - shed anyone?
Good shots of the Wheatear - saw one myself this morning.
yes Warren you are an inspiration to us all! Good shots of the Wheatear. You asked about my year list....95 - rubbish! I was well, my best ever year is 107. I will be nowhere near that this year...
Warren ,
Great Wheatear pictures .
Must think you've retired just doing two days this week .
95 for the year is still good going! I'm only on 92, and the target of 100 in a single year looks improbable. But that won't stop me trying. :-)
I could get used to this 2 day a week lark!
Your year list is close to double my 56.
Warren: Very nice photos of the Wheatear, that is an unusual bird for me.
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