The walk to and from work was silent, apart from the ROBINS, they have found their voices again these past few days. This afternoon I walked to the lake, just a dozen MALLARD there, with DUNNOCKS, Robins, BLACKBIRDS and the mix of Tits in the scrub area. I walked back through the tree nursery, nothing here but 3 GREEN WOODPECKERS, and the small pool of water just up from the nursery had just 2 MOORHEN on it, picking a living from the ever diminishing water level. Up the hedgerow leading onto Migrant Alley I again wondered why nothing was on the berry laden Elder and Blackberry bushes, however I did see a SAND MARTIN go over, battling against the strong SW wind. I looked over the hedge and across into the Barn Owl roost, but it wasn't home. Migrant Alley was all but empty, even the usual LINNETS were few, only the SWALLOWS and PIED WAGTAILS showed in any number. It can only get better from here on!!

You know, I do like the look of your patch. Fancy a swap? Although maybe it wouldnt be such a 'local' patch then...
Warren ,
After hearing so much about Migrant Alley , it was good to see it for real .
Like the juvenile Green Woodpecker shot .
Warren: Now that is one woodpecker I've never heard of. That is a pretty bird.
Boulmer Birder,
The grass is always greener....... I follow your blog, and wish I could get some of the birds you get!!
I was struggling for a pic. yesterday, glad you thought M.A. pic was adeqaute!
Fishing Guy,
They are indeed impressive birds, and you should hear them call!
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