Wednesday 27 February 2008

I noticed this morning that the FIELDFARE and REDWING numbers at migrant alley, were only half of what they were yesterday. They were congregated on the sports pitch at the college at 7:15am, but had moved back to the manured pasture in the afternoon. A female SPARROWHAWK flew low, beside the greenhouse complex as I left this morning, making everything give an alarm call, and 6 GREY LAG GEESE also flew over as I walked on.

Blue Tit

It was springlike this afternoon. I walked over to migrant alley to do a bit of skywatching for an hour - but all I saw were clouds! Whilst sitting on one of the horse jumps, I noticed one of the Molehills moving. A Mole was just under the surface, I sat and watched, with my camera poised, but it didn't show itself.
Crocus In My Garden
I walked on round the field, and across to the wet ditch in the hope of seeing something exciting, but only found 2 MALLARD. I made my way back home through the tree nursery, where I snapped the BLUE TIT, there was still a work party there and little else was seen. I reckon a garden bird watch is on for tomorrow.

Spectacular Blackthorn Blossom


Simon said...

Whilst at the college this morning a flock of Siskin fed in some Alders along the river, not to far from the Tonbridge Road.

Warren Baker said...

If It was the college side of the road i'll count them!
keep looking for those migrants around the college grounds Simon. Last april I found a Wood warbler there!.

Simon said...

Yes, they were on the college side of the road.

I shall definately be keeping an eye out for any migrants!