Well that set the day up nicely, especially as moments later a HOBBY came streaking through, sending up 30 or SWALLOWS. Also coming through on their daily circuit were hundreds of GREYLAG and CANADA GEESE, passing over in small noisy flocks.
The SPOTTED FLYCATCHERS were again seen in the College Grounds, and close by them GOLDCREST and COAL tit were feeding, also a MISTLE THRUSH went over, one of only 4 sightings this month.
On the return Journey both KESTREL and SPARROWHAWK were seen over Migrant Alley, but the Whinchats were nowhere to be seen, workers had turned up to mend the broken fence rails and flushed them off.
Very little was noted over at the Lakes and scrub area, it was extremely quiet there, it took me ages just to find a BLACKCAP, and BULLFINCH !
I decided to return for a skywatch back over at Migrant alley, by now it was 10:30, but it did prove worth while, as 3 TURTLE DOVES went through, 2 CORMORANTS went over high up, scores of HERRING GULLS and a SINGLE BLACK HEADED GULL. The YELLOWHAMMER I have been seeing carrying food over the past week or so dropped into the Tall Hedge beside my seat, and was seen to be with 2 recently fledged young, Nice to see.
Around 12:30 I left for something to eat, but was back at Migrant Alley for a quick walk round an hour later. I was pleased to find another or one of the Whinchats again, and got a distant photo, I also recorded 2 SKYLARK in the sheep pasture, but another good species was to turn up as I walked home through the Greenhouse Complex - a REED WARBLER, my second this month, it was seen chasing a GREAT TIT, then disappearing into dense cover.
What a great days birding :-)
Photo's today - below a BLACKBIRD ruffled up to catch the early sun.

Glad you got the Whinchat but where was the R B Shrike - not good enough.
Wow well done on the whinchat once again.... I hope I'll see the goldcrest soon again around Reykjavik, as well as wren. THey usually are around in winter...
2 Whinchats.. now that`s just being downright greedy Warren. No, not really, good on ya mate.
What`s the chance of there being one on my patch tomorrow ? slim, very slim !!!!!
I'm not sure I know anyone as enthusiastic as you when it comes to wildlife and in particular the birds, maybe one or two, but I do know a few who run a very close second....keep up the good work Warren.
Warren / Dean - I hope one of you gets a Rose coloured Starling this autumn. It'll be a poor juvvy, but it'll do. I predicted Smew for Dean last year and failed dismally...Better luck this time.
Warren - I get my first Whinchat and you have to go one better and get two ;-) Well deserved and days like today make it all worthwhile. Can't wait to see what drops in next!
Hi Warren.
A brilliant day for you, especially the 2 Whinchats.Well done.
Stewart : i`ve been hoping for a Rosy, every autumn. Not at all fussed if it was a juv. Cheers.
Hi Warren. Must say I really like your Blackbird shot. Very nice.
Warren ,
I agree with Dean , 2 is greedy .
Well done .
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