I next ventured over to the scrub at Migrant alley, where More Butterflies were seen, a few SPECKLED WOODS were here, but nothing more exciting than that. As I went round to take my skywatching seat, I saw that the grass field had been cut, and the cuttings lay in neat parallel lines ready to be collected. A pair of MAGPIES were there feeding there youngster, and as I watched I heard a LAPWING call, I scanned the field and sure enough up flew four of them, quite something for this species to be on my patch during June. I spent a hot 45 minutes watching the azure blue sky, but only saw a SPARROWHAWK and two KESTRELS, the latter interacted briefly before going their separate ways.
There were no new species for the month recorded, I think last years record of 67 will hold for another year. I had a look at what I had seen last June, but not this - Mandarin Duck, Kingfisher, Barn Owl, Greylag Goose, Little Egret, and Willow Warbler were seen last year, but this year I have seen Med. Gull and Red Kite that were not on last junes list!
Despite all the butterflies about, I failed to get a decent pic. of any. So I took some photo's of the birds visiting my garden pond when I got back. they were taken through the shed window so aren't too clear!

Hi Warren
How poetic 'The Azure Blue Sky'.I can see it now, a Sparrowhawk soaring around up in the blue yonder.How nice.
Don't give up on beating last years total just yet Warren.
Warren: Nice captures along the garden, they are such nice birds.
beautiful photos of the robin and blue tit babies.Gorgeous......
That sounded like a very nice peaceful walk Warren on a lovely day, we have had sunshine too today.
Nice photos of the garden birds.
Well done on the Lapwings and thank you very much for answering my question, I knew you were the man to ask :)
...sounds like a lovely day...and your photos are lovely as well. I like the two in your garden...like you were peaking deep into a tree to find them!
Hi Warren
your windows pictures are great. It's difficult to get a good picutre through windows and galss but you managed well. Lucky you that the sun came back... Here it is still cloudy although the rain stopped....
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