Not much singing was heard this morning, but those who were trying included, the migants birds of BLACKCAP, CHIFFCHAFF, WHITETHROAT, and TURTLE DOVE, while the resident WREN, DUNNOCK, ROBIN, BLACKBIRD, CHAFFINCH, GOLDCREST and SONG THRUSH all gave some song.
I noted a family of LESSER WHITETHROATS being fed in the college grounds, this pair have been very elusive birds, I only heard the male sing once!
This afternoon, the sun shone (at times) so I roamed around the Tree nursery boundary, looking for butterflies. I really wanted to find that Brown Argus again, but I failed. However I did get some pics of -
A Male Common Blue Butterfly, Ive had a female on my patch, but this is the first male, what a cracker!

Below is what i'm sure is a Small Skipper, and represents another new Butterfly species for my patch
beautiful shots of the butterflies and cant believe a snake in your pond OMG
Warren ,
Male Common Blue and male Small Skipper in the same afternoon , can't be bad .
Essex Skipper in a couple of weeks with round it off nicely .
Getting into the reptiles in the garden as well I see !
Well done .
A snake in your garden, you lucky git. Nice Woodpecker shot.
Well done again, Warren. The Grass Snake is a great garden record.
Hi Warren,
You still did it ok even if it was a cloudy day. You still saw or heard quite a lot of things and this series of butterflies shots is wonderful.... Nice to abe able to see woddpecker too... I missed them a lot...
I can't believe we both posted Common Blues on the same day! Too funny! Nice photos, all! first two photos are stunning. I've never seen a male Common Blue butterfly...or a female either for that matter ;-)
The blue of the wings is so fresh and soft...beautiful and peacful--like fairy wings. I bet fairy artists over the years have been inspired by this butterfly.
The Common Blue is such a pretty butterfly, I like the female as much as the male. Well done on the snake, very impressive! Great shot of the juvenile Woodpecker. Lovely set of photos!
That blue butterfly is a winner in my book.
You have such wonderful butterfly diversity! And I like the bunny in the last post. Cute!
Warren: You got some neat butterflies and that blue one is neat.
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