This afternoon, predictably, given the time of year, and time of day, things were not so easily forthcoming. I walked over to the lakeside scrub, via the tree nursery, the latter had lots of Meadow Brown butterflies wafting up before my steps, they are making the most of the grass that has replaced the trees and shrubs that were there, but it will all be short lived, as the rank grass and emerging brambles are all to be sprayed and then ploughed in, ready for the next tennant to mess up the countryside, errr.....I mean become a custodian of the countryside.
Over at the lake a Grey Heron was on its favoured perch, and a family of both CANADA GEESE and MALLARD were thriving. In the scrubby area, BULLFINCH, BLACKCAP, WHITETHROAT, LESSER WHITETHROAT, TURTLE DOVE and CHIFFCHAFF were all heard and seen, most with youngsters, but no young Turtle Doves yet.
A quick visit to Migrant alley produced the normal PIED WAGTAILS, LINNETS and the odd singing SKYLARK, and as I sat looking at the sky for Raptors, a CUCKOO sang from the direction of the lake area, as if to say ''see, ive not finished yet Mr know it all!'' it will be interesting none-the-less, to see if today is the last day he calls, as it will be the same as last year. (EDIT 1hr later! Just realised its the 16th today, so he called one day later this year!)
Not many chances came my way to photograph the birds, so here's a pic of my favourite plant - the Blackberry. It's flowers seem to attract many more insects than any wild plant, a shame it is seen as a unwanted weed by most landowners!

Warren: I love the blackberry bush and your photo is special of the blossoms.
Hi Warren. You may not have had the quantity of birds, but you did have some quality.Some good birds there.I was wondering Warren, have you ever seen or heard a female Cuckoo, and her bubbling call.
Hi Ken'
I hear the female's call every year in the lakeside scrub. I also get the occassional glimpse of them. Most views are of them flying about though.
Warren ,
Well it's time for me to eat humble pie . I should have stuck with my first ID of Pyramidal Orchid , just a paler form than usual .
Biggest slice of pie for what I said about the spur . I was under the delusion that Pyramidal didn't have a spur , but it obviously has . Must look closer before opening mouth in future .
Learnt something else new today .
Hi Warren, I gather you have not had Hares on your patch then? We often see them up there but normally close enough to photograph.
Not had any yet, but the habitat isn't quite right for them here.
Hi Warren,
So you finally manage to get one nice birding day :-) and even of the quantity was not the one expceted at least you saw something. Better than to stay home mate!!!
Great images warren,look forward to our next visit.
My dad is 85 and he still picks wild blackberries and my sister or mom still make berry pie or cobbler...I don't remember my dad ever not picking berries. So, enjoyed seeing the blossom photo!
Hi Warren, fragrant orchid should be smelling sweetly(ish) by now but you'll have to get your nose very close to get any scent from a pyramidal. Looking at your photo I'm with Greenie.
Hi Warren
My pair of Cuckoo's that roost each night at the bottom of the garden are still around. I heard the male call and female respond first thing this morning, Wednesday 17th. So should be off soon though.
Warren ,
I am impressed -
With you for getting the Large Skipper gender correct -
and with myself for giving you the correct information , this time .
Spent today strimming paths up on the Ridge , with obviously no wildlife at all .
Hope to get back to normal tomorrow .
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