Not alot to report from my patch this afternoon, although it was nice to see a BUZZARD up high over Migrant Alley, which was inevitably closely followed by one of the local PEREGRINES. A second family of COMMMON WHITETHROATS were seen, they were around the small pool of water that collects from the tree nursery fields, it's nearly dry now though. In the scrub area at Migrant Alley I found my first Large Skipper Butterfly of the year, and also managed a photo of a Meadow Brown Buttefly, only the second one seen this year.
The weather has settled down a bit now, and scores of SWALLOWS were over the Sheep pasture and paddocks, I expect to see the first young ones out very soon, above the Swallows, 15 -20 SWIFTS were feeding, but very few HOUSE MARTINS were recorded. As I was watching all these hirundines, a LESSER BLACK BACKED GULL flew over being harrassed a CARRION CROW, the Gull seemed to be carrying off a young bird of some description - maybe one of the crows young ?
I took this Photo of the Juv. GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER that was my feeders this afternoon.

Below is a Large Skipper

Lastly the Meadow Brown.
Warren ,
Firstly , can I change the ID of the Orchid to probable Fragrant , so look for the spur behind the flower when they are open .
Like the butterfly shots , both are males of their species , but I'd say the Gt.Spotted Woodpecker is either male or female .
Hi Warren,
You got some nice shots there. It looks like we are getting the exact same weather you and I. It is now cloudy and almost ready and has been for a week and a half. And then we are getting the same birds too, lot of swallows and house martin, even some breeding pairs, that's a record here... Incredible year!!!
Warren Nice butterlies,love your Gt Spotted Woodpecker.
Hi Warren, do your Great Spots ever go into a trance when on the feeders? I had one swinging about without feeding or any movement for about 20 mins yesterday and a year or so ago I walked up to one and almost touched it (finger about 2 inches away) before it moved.
Not had these butterflies up here yet, this afternoon's sunshine could see our first records. Be interested to see the orchid pics when it is in full flower both are rare on our local coast.
PS once had a merlin mobbing a kestrel that was mobbing a peregrine, but no red kites our way yet.
I would so like to see a Woodpecker in the garden, and think it would have been possible before the ignorant neighbours had all the mature trees which back onto our gardens felled, not much chance now I feel! You have a lovely shot of yours there. Also lovely butterfly photos, I never manage to get one with the wings outstretched.
Warren, I've sent you an email!
Didn't get it Simon. Or maybe it went into my junk box and I deleted it!
address is
Love the woodpecker shot...I got my first photos of a woodpecker today, out in the Hills, but didn't get any great shots.
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