I spent 2 hours over at the lake area and around the Wet woods, and saw not much that was different from yesterday. Again the LONG TAILED TITS provided the entertainment, and they were abley supported by the COAL TIT, TREECREEPER, GOLDCREST, NUTHATCH and GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKERS.
On the lake I was well happy with seeing the COOT for the third day in succession, with it were a dozen MALLARD and a few MOORHEN. Overhead, a CORMORANT flew low over, only the second record this month. The only raptors seen were a pair of SPARROWHAWKS, the male of which was seen later zooming through the wet woods.

Below is the scene that greets me 90% of the time when I look over the water - nothing on it!
Hi Warren,
Seems to me that the weather is getting crazy... For now it is snowing over here and we are getting the winter we did not get in December ;-) Like for you, you are getting dull weather too but at least it is nice you got to see the coot again, probably the same as last year ;-)
Hi Warren
You're right, spring is coming, according to the "experts" this morning there will be a change for the better from about the end of next week. Coal Tit, Goldcrest, Nuthatch..........I wish:-)
Warren ,
Was looking at Lesser Celandine the other day , just leaves , no sign of flower buds yet .
It is amazing how , with just a few rays of sunshine , midges and others , just appear from nowhere .
I do hope it comes soon Warren, we all need it. Glad you still have your solitary Coot :)
Hi Warren.
You did well seeind a moth today.You are stil seeing some good Passerines, some of which I don't get over here. Keep up the good work and I am sure things will improve. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
Lots of birds singing today Warren, made me feel spring was on the way!
"spring is coming, it's just a bit late"
It can`t come quick enough for me Warren. Mega fed up now.
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