Again the day dawned clear and sunny, but a strong northerly wind blew, which made listening to birdsong quite challenging. Most of the summer migrants were heard around my patch today, BLACKCAPS, WHITETHROATS, CHIFFCHAFF, CUCKOO, GARDEN WARBLER, however the Lesser Whitethroats seemed to have stopped singing, an indication that they've paired up. While listening to the migrant species, around the scrubby lake area, I took some photo's of Damselflies, i'm not very good at identifying these little beasts but I have given it a try - so if you know better let me know please!
At migrant alley, grass was being cut for silage, stirring up insects, but it didn't attract any exciting migrants, as hoped. The maize crop was sprouting and 4 STOCK DOVES were feeding amongst it, as were some PIED WAGTAILS and the usual corvids, I also noted two swallows coming down and picking up insects from the field. Once again the days best bird was another sighting of the PEREGRINE FALCON, I got some photo's of, it but it was way too high up really.

I reckon this is an AZURE DAMSELFLY

This one is an immature male BEAUTIFUL DEMOISELLE

Female ?

Female BEAUTIFUL DEMOISELLE. ( if you click on the pic. and enlarge it, beware, its quite scarey!!)

and this one is a BLUE TAILED DAMSELFLY

One of the Moorhen chicks with mum

Peregrine - albeit a bit high
Excellent....I didn't know you got Beautiful Demoseille around here...
they aren't very common here, but are regular steve.
Warren , Further down your blog , found photo of ? Azure Damselfly . If you look at it's legs , it gives it's name up - White-legged Damselfly .
Keep clicking .
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