At last the wind had dropped, which made this mornings journey to work much more pleasent. Walking along Ashes lane towards Migrant Alley, BLACKBIRDS, SONGTHRUSH'S, and a WHITETHROAT were amongst the songsters, a SKYLARK joined in high above the greenhouse complex, and a BLUE TIT was observed taking food to its nest hole in the hedgerow. Whilst crossing between the Maize field and horse paddocks at migrant alley, I saw a group of 15 GREY LAG GEESE and 3 CANADA GEESE resting, and flyovers included a KESTREL, a HERRING GULL, a SPARROWHAWK carrying an unfortunate bird, and the first CORMORANT since the 4 of this month. As I walked on, through the college grounds, I heard another WILLOW WARBLER, two on my patch, wow thats is good!
Whilst at work, I brought to the attention of the dinner ladies a flyover GREY HERON, as we watched it I noticed that the PEREGRINE was just above and behind it - a bonus or what!
The afternoon was again spent listening around the scrub area by the lakes, songs heard included - WILLOW WARBLER, GARDEN WARBLER, BLACKCAP, CHIFFCHAFF, CUCKOO and TURTLE DOVE.

Orange Tip Butterfly -the first seen for a while

An unfortunate end to a Blackbirds efforts
Hi Warren, thanks for the link back to my blog. Nice shot of the orange tip. You are lucky to get all these birds around your works, especially peregrine, must make for a pleasing working environment? Cheers, John
Nice Orange tip photo.
Hi John,
It's not all good. I tend not to write about the negative stuff going on, but there are a lot worse places I could live and work at!
Good Orange Tip! They never seem to rest for me.
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