As yesterday morning, very little was singing, all the birds are getting down to the serious business of rearing young. WHITETHROAT, WILLOW WARBLER, CHIFFCHAFF and CUCKOO did give some song though, the latter was very active, there were two males and a female on my patch. A pair of BLACKCAPS were seen, around their probable nest site, and breeding was confirmed for GOLDCREST, I watched an adult feeding a recently fledged youngster. GREAT TIT fledglings were also seen.
Early on in the rain two LESSER BLACK BACK GULLS and six HERRING GULLS were resting in one of the paddocks at migrant alley, where two, then four CORMORANT flew over. As the morning warmed up, a SPARROWHAWK and KESTREL were seen hunting over the area, but bird of the day was a HOBBY, seen as I was sitting down to dinner, ( outside on the patio, as it was such a nice day!) It circled low over my garden for a minute or two, I kept thinking get the camara, but I knew if I got up it wouldn't be there when I came back!
Also noted in the garden was a COAL TIT the first to come to the feeders since the 11th March, and the first fledgling GREENFINCH came to try the sunflower hearts.

Sounds like another great day! I saw a Cuckoo today at Tudeley wood RSPB.
Glad to hear you got a that your first one for the patch this year?
Hobby while sitting down for dinner now there is one cool character!!!! Nice one Warren.
Hello guys,
Steve, my first hobby was on the 5th may. C'mon keep up! :-)
Great to hear about the Hobby welldone.
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