Light rain began to fall, but there was little wind, and birdsong was easily picked out. All the regular Summer visitors sang, CHIFFCHAFF, BLACKCAP,WILLOW WARBLER, GARDEN WARBLER, LESSER and COMMON WHITETHROAT, TURTLE DOVES purred and a CUCKOO called. All this was backed up by the resident species, mainly of WREN, ROBIN, DUNNOCK, BLACKBIRD, SONGTHRUSH, and a brief snatch of TREECREEPER - the first record this month!
Over at migrant alley SWIFTS, SWALLOWS and HOUSE MARTINS were busy in the air, but best of all a YELLOW WAGTAIL (87) was seen flying over the sprouting maize crop, calling as it went, it alighted in one of the paddocks, but was off again before I could photograph it. This is only the second spring record for Yellow Wagtail, I had one in April last year, but most records are for Autumn birds.
A good day today, with 49 species being seen, had i given it another half hour I would probably picked up the likes of Stock dove, Jay, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and the Spotted Flycatcher, but the rain was getting heavier, and I was pleased enough with my sightings.

Hi Warren, thanks for the ID on the Meadow Pipit, that was my first thought, but was undecided with that or a Rock Pipit.
Nice one with the Yellow Wagtail they're a stunning bird to see.
Welldone with the Yellow Wag Warren, some super bird sightings.
Great to hear about the Yellow Wag Warren - a realscarce bird inland anywhere in kent these days
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