At 2pm I walked over to the lake area, where I saw the MUTE SWANS and a GREY LAG GOOSE, looking a bit lost - as they had obviously not bred this year, unlike the CANADA GOOSE which had a single gosling with it. I also saw a large Grass Snake, but it was off and away before I could photograph it!
I spent 45mins in the tree nursery, mainly skywatching. A few SWIFTS, SWALLOWS and a HERRING GULL were the only birds seen, but I also watched a Common Whitethroat singing. I hope his nest site isn't going to be in one of the trees that are marked for removal!
An hours skywatching at Migrant Alley produced little, just 3 LESSER BLACK BACKED GULLS, one Herring Gull, the usual Swifts, Swallows and HOUSE MARTINS and a pair of SKYLARKS.
A quick walk over to the college grounds to see if any Spotted Flycatchers had arrived was negative, however I did get to see a Frog in one of the small ponds.
** This afternoon a RED KITE (85) was reported flying over my house, by my birding/ringing mate, typical while I was watching the sky over migrant alley!! As he has over 50 years birding experience I am prepared to accept this on my patch list!

I like the frog Warren!! Not something I have ever been able to photograph!
I needed something to photograph Steve! I was running out of ideas!
With a Red Kite being seen by you, and 3 Cranes being seen by Steve, it makes me wonder what I may have missed in Mote Park whilst I was birding in France today.
Great shots, but I really love the frog the most. Very good work.
I've got a crick in my neck from looking up at the sky after the Cranes and red Kites reported....makes you wonder what I missing on the ground!!! It sounds like the Cranes may have also passed over your patch based on the comment from Dave on Steve's blog - 3 Cranes not far from Hartlake Bridge. Keep looking up!!! Ad
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