The only outing on my patch today was the walk to and from work, as this afternoon I was confined to the house, waiting for the plumber! The only thing of note were 8 LESSER BLACK BACK GULLS resting amongst the maize crop, and opposite them in the paddocks were 15 GREY LAG GEESE.
I watched the garden feeders on and off this afternoon, but not much came in, a pair of BLUE TITS was seen - a peak count for a few days! A SONG THRUSH came in briefly, a new garden species for the month, and a fledgling DUNNOCK picked at the sunflower hearts on the floor.
I took these pic's of bumble bees, but I havn't got a book on bees, so i can't name them!

This species preferred the Chives

While this species buzzed round the Lavender

A bit later on I saw this Wood mouse enjoying a sunflower heart or two

It didn't wander too far away from its bolt hole
Hi Warren. My best guess for the species on the chives is Bombus sylvestris. A great little book for UK and Irish bumble bees is by Mike Edwards and Martin Jenner, isbn 09549713-0-2. Cheers, John
Thanks John,
I'll have to look out for it.
Also the FSC do a great laminated ID sheet on Bees. i have one - really good. You cn order from their web-site, they are only 3 or 4 quid.
I've got the butterfly one, good idea.
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