I was out round my patch at first light this morning, and straight away I noticed again, the WOODPIGEONS southerly movement, groups of 12 to over 100 went over, some of the large groups were strung out across the blue sky. Also going over were 20+ SKYLARK, seen as I crossed the tree nursery, where there was no sign of the Barn owls. Walking up the hedgerow to Migrant Alley, I noticed another movement of birds overhead - this time a flock of 50+ REDWING. BLACK HEADED and HERRING GULLS streamed in, over my head, and went into a field just of my patch. At Migrant Alley, a KESTREL was over the stubbles, but little else was seen there, until I had come back from the college grounds, where COAL TIT and GOLDCREST were calling. Back at migrant alley, the 75+ LINNETS had returned, with half a dozen MEADOW PIPITS, as I walked through the north end of the fields a LESSER REDPOLL went over calling - typical, none for 18 months and then records on consecutive days! I walked up the wet ditch hoping to find a Snipe, but didn't, however, upon nearing the greenhouses I could here a
REED BUNTING calling, I stopped and scanned the hedgerow and saw it fly further down the green houses, as I lowered my bins, and was just about to move on when, - what flew into view? two
SNIPE (99) ! someone must have flushed them up from the greenhouses,
now I think I can get that 100 total!! I was pleased just to get the first Reed Bunting of the month, which, when I located where it had flown to, I actually found a pair, excellent record, I don't often get this species.
I went over to the lake next and was rewarded with the first
GREY LAG GOOSE record this month, 6 were on the water, as I was photographing them I heard a couple of SISKIN overhead. Just down from the lake, in one of the large gardens I saw a CHIFFCHAFF, and 3 BULLFINCH. Returning to the tree nursery, through the wet woods I came across a party of at least 10 Goldcrests noisely feeding high up in and oak tree, I have never seen so many of this species in such close proximity to each other, I scanned them well for a Firecrest, if it was there, it would have brought the 50 species mark up for the day, (and the magic 100 for the year!) what a fitting species to have a such a milestone set, but it wasn't to be, in fact the 50th species for the day went to the first
FIELDFARE of the autumn, which flew NW over the greenhouses. A cracking mornings birding!

Above: Early morning over pittswood. Below some of the woodpigeon that flew high over

Below. The pair of Reed Bunting at the greenhouses.

Below. a cocky Robin

The first Grey lag Goose of the month on the lake.

Below is a photo of the direction the Redwing and Skylark flocks went in. (west) The nearest set of fenceposts, marks the wet ditch boundary of my patch.
Warren: What a neat view of your area and some of your birds. I would have like to have seen the Snipe. I'll have to look them up.
Stop over in a few hours for a funny encounter Great Blue Heron.
Warren ,
Just one more , then you can post the name of the pub where you will be standing drinks all night .
Well done .
Warren, your commitment to your patch is incredible! Snipe etc well deserved!
F.G. I would have liked a photo of the snipe too -but they are very wary birds.
Greenie. I have to get up too early for pubbing it!
Josh, when your old and craggy - like me - you'll be stomping around on your patch every day!!
So Warren...waht is your predicted 100th bird for the year for your patch?
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