Wednesday 1 October 2008

October begins, and the chase to beat the best species total for this month is on. Last October holds the record of 64, so it will be quite a challenge now most of the summer birds have gone. However a decent start was made, with the STONECHAT still being seen. I presume it's the same bird as seen on the last two mornings. This time I saw it on the way home, it was around the Greenhouses, next to the maize stubbles. The other thing I saw on the way home was a field full of men in luminous jackets, they were marking out the new gas pipeline that is going right across Migrant Alley, a 50m wide gash, right across the stubbles and sheep pasture, work will start next June apparently, next year could be a lean time for Migrants.
Anyway, it was pointless going back to Migrant Alley this afternoon, with all the disturbance, and the tree nursery was out of the question, as the long hedgerow was being thrashed to bits on the hadlow College side, so I went round to the lake. Thankfully it was quiet here, there were two CORMORANT on the lake, along with a dozen MALLARD and a few MOORHEN. At least 10 SISKIN fed in some alders, and a KESTREL flew over, all good birds for the months list, as was a BLACKCAP in the scrub around the lake, it was singing its quiet sub-song, very nice to hear.
All my photo attempts failed today, i'll try again tommorow!


Steve said...

Looking forward to tracking your progress in October Warren.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Warren: It's sad that they are disturbing your little area of life. Check out the birds I posted last night.