It was dark when I left for work this morning, but as I passed through migrant alley, and on to the college sports pitch, a lone ROOK alighted on the power pylon, just visible in the first light of dawn, a few seconds later a dozen more came in, then in the distance I could make out the ''Jack'' ''Jack'' calls from a host of jackdaws. I stopped and waited, and as I looked into the now dimmly lit sky, 100+ corvids just appeared from the greyness, still more came, over a short period of time, they spread themselves along the power lines, quite something to witness.
This afternoon I walked over to the lake area, passing through the small holding, where a nice male BULLFINCH was seen, and a couple of GREENWOODPECKERS fed in the grassy areas. I went into the wet woods, where a small group of SISKIN fed above me in the Alder trees, but nothing else was noted there. At the lake 20 MALLARDS dabbled around, and a GREY HERON flew up and away, whilst I scanned the bank vegetation I got onto a KINGFISHER, which dived down into the water and caught a decent sized fish, it gave it a bash, as is customary, and turned it head first to swallow. A CORMORANT flew low over, and was about to alight on the lake, but it saw me and thought better of it.
I made my way over to migrant alley, and was pleased to see a good flock of FIELDFARE on the stubbles, around 50 were in a moving flock, with around 20 PIED WAGTAILS amongst them. I could hear SKYLARKS out in the stubbles and MEADOW PIPITS, but only 3 of the former and 1 of the latter were seen, just as I was leaving I saw a flock of 6 LINNETS come in to join them all, and a further 18 Linnet were seen as I passed the tree nursery on my way back, they were flying to and fro, waiting for the work party to leave, so they could roost in the thick shrubs. The last bird of note was a GREY WAGTAIL that flew from the greenhouse grounds, always nice to see.
Below: a few of the Mallard on the lake. All my other pics were worse than this, I blame the light!